About Me
My name is Lynn Mernovage.  I am a self-taught artist.  My inspiration comes from a vivid dream state. Upon waking, I sketch out my dreams.  I then transfer those images to cotton stretched canvas or wood panel, combined with acrylics, pen and ink, colored pencil, sometimes using with bits of leaves, feathers, twigs, and other found objects from nature. I call my work Art Dreams.

The name Four Turtle Moon pays homage to my niece and my four nephews, who inspire me every day with their amazing view of life.

I spent plenty of time sketching and drawing when I was a teenager.  My drawings were mostly portrait sketches of friends, and copies of album cover art. 

I had not drawn for many years.  In 2000 a young friend of mine, who was looking through some old sketchpads lying around my house, asked me to design him a tattoo.  He was on his way to Iraq, and wanted a totem allowing a safe return.  I designed the tattoo; he had it put on his left shoulder.  My friend did return safely from a tour in Iraq and my painting took off. 

I find my inspirations do not present on demand.  I have to dream to claim the vision.  I have simply learned to relax and act when the dream calls to me.

  • The Dripping Trees” is a series using the inspiration of trees.  I dream of walking through trees in different lights.  Several of the works focus on my vision of the magnificent shadows, light, and color tree forms suggest.
  • Circles” is a series I began for the women in my family.  This is a collection of birthday paintings for the women who most inspire me with their strength, courage, and wisdom.  I created five major pieces that incorporate circles, and themes from nature as inspiration.
  • "Selkies's Shells" The spiral represents transition.  This is a series I began out of my own transition.  Selkies (also known as silkies or selchies) are mythological creatures found in Irish and Scottish folklore.  Selkies are said to live as seals in the sea, but shed their skin to become human on land. They are said to bring gifts from the sea to those who believe…

Email me at fourturtlemoon@aol.com to inquire about size and pricing, or news about upcoming exhibits.
  • Sara R. Hays
  • Leslie W. Hays
  • Beverly Chambers
  • Faye Ligi
  • Marilyn Scott Reynolds
  • Susan Dminquez
  • Dr. Susan Swanson
  • Carlye O'Brien
  • Clay Lipscombe
  • Susan Driver
  • Cortney Smith

Artist Statement

Last updated: April 22, 2023